Everlasting Selfullness

Valentine's might be a distant memory, but self-kindness and her sister selfullness are always in season! 


In my programs and coaching, I often hear women use words like “self-indulgent” or “selfish” to describe activities they do for personal growth or, gasp, pleasure. 


We have some mighty strong cultural conditioning -- Protestant work ethic, etc -- to thank for this, ugh.


To support my clients (and myself), I went in search of an antonym for "selfish."


Finding nothing that fit the bill (self-care just doesn't do it for me)

I coined the word selfull



For me, there are many hearts within a heart of selfullness.




We know that creativity and mindfulness can help you nourish selfulness in your everyday life.

So, how might you creatively invite selfullness into your day?


Recently, I led one of my "Heartfelt Pocket Guide to Self-Kindness" workshops. 

It was my honor to work with an amazing group of women (at Riverworks Art Center in Montgomery County, MD).

I was inspired by their creativity, their courage and vulnerability, and by their insights into our hearts of selfullness. 

Their energy sparks me to further amplify the power of selfullness! 


I hope these workshop snippets…

inspire some glimmers of creative selfull possibilities!



My deepest appreciation

To my workshop participants who open-heartedly and generously shared their pocket guides and sentiments.




Doodle Your Heart of Loving Kindness

I like to “Doodletate©,” which is my word for a doodle-meditation combo.

I created this Heart of Loving-Kindness Doodletate© based on Buddhist meditations of loving-kindness. You harmonize the playful act of drawing hearts with some gentle breaths while saying these supportive, meditative words of loving kindness towards yourself – 

May I be happy

May I be healthy

May I be at peace

May I be protected

May I be free from pain and suffering

May my heart be filled with love.

Combining these simple, caring actions deepens your somatic (body-based) self-kindness. As you sketch expanding heart doodles with every inhale-exhale, you both visualize and embody loving kindness deepening within.


Make a Self-Kindness Vivarta©

Schedule an online Creativity Workshop to make a Pocket-Guide for Self-Kindness Vivarta©.

Vivarta© are handmade life-journey gizmos that help you.

I lead women in supportive Vivarta© Creativity Workshops like the Pocket Guide, to tap into their creativity and explore a wellbeing or life-journey morsel they are working on, like self-kindness!

Learn more.


Check out my companion blog post, “5 Creative Ways to Nourish Self-Kindness” for more easy, quick practices you can implement today.


Thank you for exploring Art Well 4 Life. Whether you’re —

• looking to move towards joy and fulfillment, just a smidge… or

• itching to recalibrate your identity and move into a new phase of life… or

• grappling with executive functioning issues/ ADHD…

I’m here to support you! When you’re ready, schedule a 15 minute complementary chat. It’s free with no strings or hard sell. Here’s my calendar link.

In creativity and service,


Suzanne Wright, MA

Artist • Certified Life Coach

ADHD and Creativity Coach

Educator for Visual Arts and Wellbeing

Founder, Art Well 4 Life, LLC


Schedule a complementary conversation


Bright Pink Barbie Self-Acceptance & Enoughness


Why Self-Kindness?