Your Creative Brain Superpowers
Did you know that you have Creative Brain Superpowers©?
Your powers are proven to support health, happiness, and personal growth!*
Everyone has them… psst, not just "creative people."
Among our many creativity assets, I’ve identified five prominent Creative Brain Superpowers©.
Awaken and practice them for greater wellbeing and to support your life-journeys.

The Neuroplasticity Game Changer (Spoiler Alert - You never stop growing!)
The Neuroplasticity Game Changer (spoiler alert - you never stop growing!)

Sync Up Superpower©
Your Sync Up Superpower© matches creative actions—like slowly doodling circles—with your biorhythms, like breathing and your heart rate. Result? Greater calm and more access to your core truths.

Play & Let Go Superpower©
Your Play & Let Go Superpower© is very potent and exhilarating. It can also be hard to activate. Why? We tell ourselves that adults are not allowed to play—to enjoy the moment and process, and to let go of the outcome. When you activate this Superpower, you let go of "shoulds" and open yourself to "why nots"!

Visualize & Embody Superpower©
Your Visualize & Embody Superpower© stokes your imagination so you can picture what you want.
When you employ this Superpower, you send signals to your brain-body that your imagination-based new patterns are rooted and successful (albeit in creative projects).

Activate Subconscious Superpower©
Our subconscious beliefs, intentions, and patterns dominate most of our thoughts, feelings and behavior. When you engage your Activate Subconscious Superpower©, you gain access to buried desires and old negative gook. This amazing Superpower then helps you reprogram your inner critic into an awakened you.

Transform Mindsets Superpower©
Your Transform Mindsets Superpower© builds mindsets of belief, intentionality, and synchronicity which empower greater risk-taking and self-confidence. When you use the Transform Mindsets Superpower©, your brain-body follows them and transformation happens!
Baked into our DNA
We all have these Superpowers. They are literally baked into our DNA. Even if you don’t think you have a creative bone in your body. You have them. As children, these Superpowers came naturally. Perhaps you had an expansive imagination, an optimistic sense of the possible, or unbound fearlessness.
Unfortunately, as adults, many of us have buried our Creative Brain Superpowers© leaving them untapped and anemic.
The Good News!
As adults we can wake up and strengthen our Creative Brain Superpowers©. When you tap into your Superpowers, you can recover buried authentic parts of yourself in record time. As you work your Creative Brain Superpowers©, you can manage transitions, sustain change, increase your happiness with flow and some fun!
Your Mindset Eats Science for Lunch
I can show you a multitude of neuroscience studies with tons of terrific data demonstrating how creativity and mindfulness generate positive life outcomes (aka using your Creative Brain Superpowers©).
Until you allow yourself to believe that you can tap into your Creative Brain Superpowers©, all the data in the world won’t convince you of your innate abilities and power.