Suzanne’s Top Brain-Body Benefits

Art Well 4 Life Programs are Grounded in Evidence-Based, Neurobiology Research

With neuroscience research, from neuroaesthetics to neuroendocrinology, we can see which brain areas get activated when you perform certain functions. Researchers can also measure brain activity in relationship to many physiological markers from your heart rate, breathing rate, and blood oxygen saturation level, to happy and stress hormones, just to name a few.

I design creativity-mindfulness exercises and programs to strategically activate the brain and body centers. I ground my practices in current evidence-based neurobiology studies proven to help us —

  • calm and center

  • rejuvenate

  • shift perspectives

  • and much more.

Which brain-body benefits would you like to enhance?

Greater Neuroplasticity — New Mindsets, New Habits

Turns out you can teach an old dog new tricks! Why? Your brain has neuroplasticity! Simply put, neuroplasticity is the human brain’s capacity to grow new neural synapses and develop new neural pathways at any stage of life. So, as you cultivate new creativity-mindfulness habits and mindsets, you generate new neural pathways which deepen with practice. Your awakened brain can change your life!

Increased Self-Confidence and Risk-Taking

Your pesky "executive functioning" brain can be highly critical and judgmental. It wants things just right. Many of my creativity-mindfulness exercises are strategically playful. When you engage in play, your brain can let go of outcomes and focus on the process. This triggers the release of pleasure neurotransmitters (like dopamine), and sparks a cycle of positive risk-taking and self-confidence.

More Synchronicity — More Positivity

Your brain likes patterns and predictability. If you repeatedly approach the world with positive beliefs and intentions, your brain looks for these life-enhancing patterns. This synchronicity between mindset and reality is actually your brain doing it’s job!

More Oxygen - More Calm

My creativity-mindfulness exercises increase your oxygen flow and happiness hormones while decreasing stress hormones like cortisol. This self-soothing leads to less stress and in turn, greater well-being. (You can try it out with one of those blood-oxygen saturation monitor gizmos!)

Lower Heart Rate - More Calm

Your body's biorhythms like to sync up. The science-y term is “entrainment.” So as you mindfully slow-down your doodling hand, you can train yourself to lengthen and deepen your breathing until your hand and breath are moving at the same pace. Then your heart rate slows, entraining with your slower, deeper breaths.

More Engaged Senses — More Focus

Engaging your senses activates your brain’s thalamus, the central command center for physical sensations. When your thalamus is stimulated, your prefrontal cortex (including list making, over-thinking, etc.) is distracted. You can relish in the present moment and allow your body's natural biorhythms to calm, focus, and deeply experience life.

More Insights and Ah-ha! Moments

Doodling—repetitive mark making, pattern making, coloring—is akin to other rhythmic actions (showering, walking, meditation) that relax the grip of the brain’s “executive functions” (making to-do lists and organizing thoughts). By shifting your attention away from over-thinking, doodling fires up your brain's "default mode network." This is when subconscious insights, improv, daydreaming, and lots of creativity take the lead. This is why you get great ideas in the shower!

More Visual Mindfulness — More Focus

Bringing your attention to what you can physically see in the present moment activates your optic brain center and shifts your brain out of anxiety-thinking mode. It's one reason why we like vacations. Our eyes focus on new surroundings, not our worries.

Check out my Resources page for links to articles and research data.

Cultivate your five Creative Brain Superpowers© to reap great brain-body benefits!