Bright Pink Barbie Self-Acceptance & Enoughness


Embrace some Barbie Movie female empowerment mojo

and celebrate…


International Women's Day

Every day!

"Calls for action to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and create environments where all women are valued and respected."


I can think of no better embodiment of International Women's Day and its rallying cry than Greta Gerwig, the co-writer and director of The Barbie Movie. 

Greta Gerwig is a truly visionary, wicked-smart, intuitive, giving and playful. 


(Yes, I have an unabashed girl crush on Greta.)


Inspired me to make this little "Tik-Tok" style Barbie selfulfullness video!


I’m a little vulnerable about this video…

My 21-year-old daughter asked if I had an intern make it. High praise indeed!

(In my post-museum, entrepreneurial world, there are no interns.)


For me, one of the exquisite aspects of The Barbie Movie is how Greta et al challenge cultural constructs, stereotypes, etc 

with humor, moxie, and magenta

while also...

embracing poignant vulnerability.



So The Barbie Movie deeply connects with my “hearts of selfullness”!


Especially my hearts of …

* enoughness * self-acceptance * imperfection * wholeness *


I wonder if this resonates with you? If you feel the same way?


It all feels exemplified in “Gloria’s monologue” performed by the incandescent America Ferrera.


Watch now.

Then repeat!


Personally, I hear new things each time…


Absorb Some Great Greta Segacity!

Here are a few of my favorite Greta interviews

“Directors Roundtable,” Hollywood Reporter, January 8, 2024 (With Bradley Cooper, Greta Gerwig, Michael Mann, Ava DuVernay)

“Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie discuss Barbie's surprising feminism,” Australian Public Broadcast Service (ABC), July 12, 2023

In-depth interview with Greta, London Film Festival, British Film Institute, December 2023


Then consider…


How might you creatively invite a bit of Barbie - Greta mojo into your day?




We know that creativity and mindfulness can help you nourish selfulness (AKA Barbie mojo) in your everyday life.


Inspiration Glimmers

Here are a few pics from a "Heartfelt Pocket Guide to Self-Kindness" workshop I recently led. 

I hope you might find a bit of inspiration the way I have!


It was my honor to work with an amazing group of women (at Riverworks Art Center in Montgomery County, MD).

Sending my deepest appreciation to my workshop participants who open-heartedly and generously shared their pocket guides and sentiments.



Doodle Your Heart of Loving Kindness

I like to “Doodletate©,” which is my word for a doodle-meditation combo.

I created this Heart of Loving-Kindness Doodletate© based on Buddhist meditations of loving-kindness. You harmonize the playful act of drawing hearts with some gentle breaths while saying these supportive, meditative words of loving kindness towards yourself – 


May I be happy

May I be healthy

May I be at peace

May I be protected

May I be free from pain and suffering

May my heart be filled with love.


Combining these simple, caring actions deepens your somatic (body-based) self-kindness. As you sketch expanding heart doodles with every inhale-exhale, you both visualize and embody loving kindness deepening within.

Make a Self-Kindness Vivarta©

Schedule an online Creativity Workshop to make a Pocket-Guide for Self-Kindness Vivarta©.

Vivarta© are handmade life-journey gizmos that help you.

I lead women in supportive Vivarta© Creativity Workshops like the Pocket Guide, to tap into their creativity and explore a wellbeing or life-journey morsel they are working on, like self-kindness!

Learn more.



Check out my companion blog post, “5 Creative Ways to Nourish Self-Kindness” for more easy, quick practices you can implement today.


Thank you for exploring Art Well 4 Life. Whether you’re —

• looking to move towards joy and fulfillment, just a smidge… or

• itching to recalibrate your identity and move into a new phase of life… or

• grappling with executive functioning issues/ ADHD…

I’m here to support you! When you’re ready, schedule a 15 minute complementary chat. It’s free with no strings or hard sell. Here’s my calendar link.

In creativity and service,


Suzanne Wright, MA

Artist • Certified Life Coach

ADHD and Creativity Coach

Educator for Visual Arts and Wellbeing

Founder, Art Well 4 Life, LLC

Schedule a complementary conversation


Everlasting Selfullness