Joyful Creative Journaling
A Creativity Workshop Supporting Your Life-Journey & Wellbeing
Do you have a stack of barely-started, tightly-bound journals – each promising a new journaling habit?
Would you like to explore easy-breezy creativity that doesn’t require a lot of artsy skills or expensive materials
Joyful creative journaling to the rescue!
Join me for a fun and thoughtful workshop experimenting with a variety of low-stress creative journaling techniques and materials. You’ll —
kindle creative expression,
tune into intuition, and perhaps
spark glimmers of insight.
Date: Friday, September 6, 2024
Time: 12-4pm
Location: Riverworks Art Center, Poolesville, MD
Fee: $20
Riverworks is dedicated to providing low-fee art programs. This workshop, from their “Made-in-Studio” series, is sponsored in part by generous contributions from the Butz Foundation.
Space is limited. Reserve your place now!
No journaling or art experience needed. Recovering creatives welcome. All materials provided.
Keep scrolling to learn more about the neuroscience that powers creative journaling!
You’ll take home lots of resources to support your creative journaling practice including —
a goodie bag
creative journal exercises
journaling prompts and
a materials list of my favorite supplies, including Amazon links
The Power of Creative Journaling
with Creativity, Mindfulness, and Neuroscience
Creative journaling engages many more dimensions of your brain-body than purely written journaling.
By activating multiple regions of your brain, these holistic creative practices produce a host of benefits from new perspectives and wisdom, to greater joyfulness, pleasure and ease.
I designed the workshop exercises with my signature blend of creativity, mindfulness and neuroscience for even more brain-body impact!
Did you know that only 5% of our experiences make it to our conscious awareness?
Creative journaling has been proven to gently unlock some of the invaluable 95% of experiences stored in subconscious thoughts and feelings. I call it your “Activate Subconscious Creative Brain Superpower©”.
Creative journaling gives you the keys to your unique below-the-surface castle.
Grapple with a learning challenge like dyslexia or a neurodiverse condition like ADHD?
Creative journaling provides you with alternative “language” that is visual, tactile, and somatic (based in the body). So your brain doesn’t have to exert all that extra effort trying to pull thoughts out of your thinky prefrontal cortex. Instead you can relax into your “Play and Let Go Creative Brain Superpower©” and get even more insights and joyfulness!
Throughout the workshop, you’ll tap into all of your Creative Brain Superpowers©!
Click here to learn more about your Creative Brain Superpowers©.
Can’t make the workshop? No prob. Book a private Vivarta@ Creativity Workshop with Suzanne!
I look forward to supporting you!
In creativity and service,
Ready to rev up some momentum?
I hope you can join me for the workshop!
If not, here are some ideas to get started —
• Try a one-time Vivarta© Creativity Workshop and experience the benefits!
• Explore your Creative Brain Superpowers and the neuroscience underneath my methods.
• Check out my blog “Living Your Art + Well” for ways to live in creativity and curiosity.
• Schedule a complementary chat. It’s free with no strings or hard sell. Here’s my calendar link.
Suzanne Wright, MA
Artist • Certified Life Coach
ADHD and Creativity Coach
Educator for Visual Arts and Wellbeing
Founder, Art Well 4 Life, LLC