Your Thanks-&-Giving Menu


Thanks-&-Giving is my feel-good, easy on your waist-line alternative Thanksgiving full of nourishing ways to practice gratitude and kindness.


Each year I like to publish a playful Thanks-&-Giving “Menu”to expand our turkey-day giving of thanks beyond the dinner table to small actions we might take to support others and ourselves. I’m pleased to share a

New 2024 edition of the Thanks-&-Giving Menu

with new starters, sides, and desserts along side the traditional “Thankfulness Turkey served with Self-Lovin’ Stuffing and Gratitude Gravy.”

What’s on the menu?

Random acts of kindness, not-so-random acts of self-kindness, and gratitude! 


Plus — It’s totally organic and will make you feel great!

And rest assured its gluten free, fat free, sugar free, KETO, vegetarian, vegan, and no nuts.


Here are a few samples to whet your appetite!


Some of these ideas sprouted from the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation website. Check it out!


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2024 Thanks-&-Giving Menu


Click the arrows to open each Thanks-&-Giving dish.


  • Try “radically accepting” a challenging situation that is out of your control. 

    This doesn’t mean you agree, but rather, you let go of the struggle.

  • Splash cold water on your face or apply an ice pack to your neck or wrists.

Main Course & Sides

  • Try my “Heart of Loving Kindness” DoodleTATE (doodle - meditation), based on the Buddhist “Loving Kindness” meditation. Here’s link to my ez how-to video!

  • Doodle smiley faces on the palm of your hand. Experiment with different types of smiles in the mirror. Listen to meditation guru Tara Brach’s smile meditation.

  • Call a senior adult you haven’t talked to in a long time and ask how s/he’s doing.

  • Rub a pinch of a favorite herb or spice in your hand. With a gentle inhale, smell to recenter and soothe.


  • Compliment a friend or family member on something unrelated to how they look. Repeat.

  • Download the 2025 Random Acts of Kindness Calendar for 365 ways to show yourself and others kindness all year long!


Self-Compassion Spud Spa

Instead of gobbling your mashed potatoes, treat yourself to a

spudtacular face mask.


Prefer a PDF?

Download your "Thanks-and-Giving Menu


DoodleTATE (doodle meditation) for self-compassion and kindness.

What’s the big so what?

Check out my compendium blog post, Giving Thanks and the Wondrous Links to Our Wellbeing” for the incredible science linking wellbeing and expressions of kindness and gratitude!

All the best for your Thanksgiving, Thanks-&-Giving and the holiday season!

And as always, in gratitude to YOU!


Giving Thanks & Its Wondrous Links to Our Wellbeing


Tips for Autumn Re-Leaf